Author: Shreyas Dole

Understanding family pension The family pension is money given to the family of a government employee if he or she dies while still in service. The widow/widower receives the family pension. If there is no widow/widower, the family pension is available to the offspring of a government employee who began working in a pensionable establishment on or after January 1, 1964. However, the date of joining must be on or before December 31, 2003, or you must have joined the organization before that date. What Is The Process of Creating a Family Pension? According to a study by the Comptroller…

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Learn more about retirement planning so you can make an informed choice. Retirement planning is a critical component of a healthy financial strategy, particularly at a young age. When you start planning for your future sooner, you will have more time to deal with any unexpected obstacles and live comfortably in the meanwhile. Many factors contribute to the significance of retirement planning in one’s life. To begin, let us define retirement planning so that we may better comprehend the measures that must be taken. What Exactly Is Retirement Planning? Retirement planning is the process of determining retirement income objectives and…

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Full-stack mobility startup situated in Bangalore Automobile Accident Claims to have developed India’s first accidental claims app for insurance agents/brokers. The programme will assist the startup in developing an interface with over 100,000 agents across 20,000 Indian pin codes. The software is now available for Android devices, and it will be accessible for iOS users on June 22. It will serve as an end-to-end motor insurance platform, linking agents, vehicle owners, and the brand to enable any motor claim while also giving transparency in terms of claims, products, pricing, and services. An agent may simply join up and register a…

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Learn how to choose the best sort of pension plans. Most of us do not consider retirement planning to be a financial priority while we are younger. However, as you near retirement age, you may find yourself rushing to save enough money for it. It is in your best interest to develop an effective financial strategy now by determining the sort of pension plan that is right for you. Pension Plan Types Understanding the various kinds of pension plans available on the market is a key first step in creating retirement planning. It gives you a deeper look at how…

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The policyholder bears the investment risk in the investment portfolio under this policy. Higher education from a reputable international institution may be very advantageous in the quest of professional greatness. It may provide your kid a lot of intellectual exposure and assist him or her gain a competitive edge. Foreign education, on the other hand, is prohibitively costly! Costs would have risen multiple times by the time your youngster applied to university. To save for this future expenditure, you must begin early and prepare well. Here are some pointers: Higher education from a reputable international institution may be very advantageous…

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The COVID-19 epidemic has surely opened everyone’s eyes. Understanding the significance of having an appropriate health insurance policy in place was one of the important items that drew attention. Medical costs have been growing over the previous several years. It is almost hard to disregard or dismiss medical costs or expenditures. With the growing epidemic, it is undeniably more evident than ever. A health insurance coverage can keep you financially prepared for any unexpected incident, such as a medical emergency. Medical insurance helps to cover expenditures that would otherwise have to be paid out of pocket. Understanding the Mediclaim Policy’s…

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Get Term Insurance Policy When it comes to life insurance, pure protection get term insurance policy are the best choice. They provide appropriate security at a very minimal cost. Consider this: a term plan covering a 30-year-old nonsmoking lady until the age of 60 will cost her about $1,000 per month. This is less expensive than a supper excursion for two. When purchased even earlier, at the age of 26, the premium is reduced by 20%. However, reduced rates should not be used as an excuse to get insurance early. When you need insurance and how much you need depends…

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However, the term Insurance Premiums are Likely to Increase market in India is set to see unprecedented volatility in December and January. What Does All of This Imply For You, The Customer? Between December 2021 and January 2022, new term insurance customers will pay rates that are 25–40% more than previous levels. This increase in premium prices applies to both offline and online insurance products. Online insurance plans have grown in popularity over the last six years owing to its convenience and reduced costs. With the forthcoming increase in premium prices, however, internet insurance consumers will find themselves paying greater…

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Learn more about ‘what is insurance?’ and how it works, including its mechanism and insurance guiding concept. A policy/plan of insurance is a contract between a person (Policyholder) and an insurance firm (Provider). You pay monthly sums of money (as premiums) to the insurer under the contract, and they reimburse you if an adverse event occurs, such as the early death of the life insured, an accident, or damage to a dwelling. Let us learn more about insurance and the many advantages, features, and kinds of insurance accessible in India. In the event of an occurrence, the insurer gives a…

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Choosing among the many forms types of life insurance policies in India is an important financial choice since it protects your loved ones from life’s uncertainties. Even so, you may be unaware of the many kinds of life insurance policies available in India and how they effect your financial health. Let’s look at the different forms of life insurance and their advantages in more depth below. In India, There are Several Types of Life Insurance Policies. The following are the several forms of life insurance that are offered in India. Term life insurance Term insurance with a premium refund Unit-Linked…

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